I’m slowly catching up! Here is a selection of excellent short fiction I enjoyed in March 2022. I’ve also decided to include issues that are quarterly or bi-yearly rather than just monthly so some of these may be slightly out of sync. Otherwise, I’d not be fair to `zines that do not publish monthly!
- It Takes A Village by Priya Chand (Clarkesworld Magazine)
- Embroidery of a Bird’s Heart by Nelly Geraldine GarcĂa-Rosas (Strange Horizons)
- This Is Our Get-Along Brainship by Kristen Koopman (Escape Pod)
- Rain of Days by Ray Nayler (Clarkesworld Magazine)
- I Will Have This Diamond For a Heart by Carlos Hernandez (Uncanny Magazine)
- Nine Tails of a Soap Empire by Maria Dong (Lightspeed Magazine)
- Tailor-Made by Cynthia Zhang (Kaleidotrope, Winter 2022)
- Merry in Time by Kathleen Jennings (Beneath Ceaseless Skies)